In-Cab Cameras, Safety, and Liability in the Trucking Industry
Posted on October 19, 2022 in 2022

At Watsontown Trucking Company, we are committed to protecting our drivers. We have a number of initiatives focused on driver safety. One of our most important is the use of in-cab cameras. Nearly a decade ago, we installed in-cab cameras in ten trucks—and it wasn’t long until cameras were implemented fleet-wide.
Today, we have 450 trucks with over 1,500 trailers, and we continue to grow rapidly. There is occasional pushback on these devices from some drivers that do not understand them or have not had experience with them, so it’s essential to understand what they are, why we use them, and how they benefit our drivers.
What Are In-Cab Cameras?
At Watsontown Trucking, our trucks are equipped with two-prong cameras. These cameras are single devices that provide inward and outward views. The inward camera monitors the driver and the happenings inside the cab, while the outward camera shows a view of the roadway in front of the truck.
The cameras record in a loop until an incident occurs. Incidents send a level of g-force to trigger the camera. Examples include speeding, harsh braking, distracted driving, etc. If something happens, they instantly record the seven seconds before an incident and the five seconds after for a 12-second video that is stored in the cloud and reviewed and filtered by a third-party company. Relevant videos are then sent to the trucking company for review.
Why Do We Use In-cab Cameras?
Currently, no specific laws or regulations surround using in-cab cameras for truck drivers. Camera initiatives are solely company-driven, with the cost of the cameras compared to the allowance for safety often impacting whether a company chooses to implement them.
At Watsontown Trucking Company, we implemented in-cab cameras to manage liability issues in the event of an accident or incident with one of our vehicles or drivers. If an accident occurs, a lawyer may contact us with their client’s side of the story. Without our cameras, we can’t prove our driver did nothing wrong before, during, or after the crash. The in-cab cameras reduce litigation expenses for our business and ensure our drivers remain protected from unwarranted legal action.
In addition to ensuring we have the records when liability issues arise, we also use the cameras to ensure our drivers abide by our safety policies and procedures. For example, we have a zero-tolerance cellphone policy. While our cell control feature permits the use of certain one-touch apps and one-touch calling, we have had instances of drivers ignoring our safety policies. When that happens, our cameras help us determine if disciplinary action is necessary to keep our fleet as safe as possible.
How We Introduced In-cab Cameras to WTC Drivers
There was some pushback when we initially introduced in-cab cameras to our truck drivers. Many of our veteran drivers did not like the idea. However, we took the time to explain the benefits to our drivers, including review of an accident, accurate event documentation, and a reduction in company liability.
WTC has always been ahead of the curve with technology and safety measures in the trucking industry. So, it was no surprise that we were one of the first companies to implement in-cab cameras in our fleet of vehicles.
As our drivers adapted to the in-cab cameras, many realized the benefits and are now fully supportive of the initiative. In fact, new drivers are often more reluctant to work for a company that uses in-cab cameras but often come to see the benefit during their tenure. Our veteran drivers appreciate that we care about their safety and take the necessary measures to ensure they are protected while driving. If an accident occurs and our driver is not at fault, the camera proves that, saves the company money, and provides the driver with peace of mind.
Watsontown Trucking Company plans to monitor trends and adjust our safety measures and devices based on best practices as safety technology advances. If you are interested in working for a company that puts your safety first, consider applying with us today.